Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vakapuna & Maualuga Highlight 'Hard Knocks' Episode III

During the rookie show I love love loved the Samoan dance and chant led by Fui Vakapuna and Rey Maualuga. I wish the Bengals would do that before every game as they close their warmups to strike fear into the hearts of their opponents, because seeing the crazy eyes of Fui while doing the over-the-top masculine Samoan dance would loosen the bowels of many within his sightline, I imagine.

Rey Maualuga may actually kill someone on the field of play this year. I was very excited to hear the coaches say that Rey has to start somewhere for the betterment of the team. What an exciting player to have on our team. He was described as a "Hammer" last night on the show, and I couldn't think of a better word for him. The man hits like a Mack Truck and is unbelievably quick to the ball. I think if I were Hines Ward I would be getting seriously concerned about any plays that take me across the middle at this point between Rivers and Maualuga being on the field.

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